There are a large number of graduates who aspire to obtain their university certificates, in order to involve in the labour market and complete their lives according to their specialties, which they have spent their lives hoping to complete. The financial situation experienced by graduates and their families is the key reason for reaching this difficult situation of being unable to graduate from universities. It is no secret that the graduation certificate is the key that opens all doors of work and enable its holder to enrol in postgraduate studies if given the opportunity. This is why this project came out, which aims to release the pending university certificates and enable graduates to wear the academic gown.
- Relieving the burden on the families of the graduates.
- Students should not delay their professional careers.
- Strengthening the bonds of brotherhood among the members of the nation.
- Assisting universities financially due to the significant deficit they are experiencing.
- Developing community through the involvement of young graduates in the labour market.
- Poor economic conditions affecting Palestinian families.
- There are a large number of people who desire to support this sector of education.
- There are thousands of graduates incapable of disposing of their certificates.
- Graduates may forget what they have learned in their university life because of the long period of pending their graduation certificates, as they will lack the opportunity of working and applying the skills of their specialization without the certificates.
Project Beneficiaries:
This project will benefit male and female university students who are unable to settle their tuition fees to universities, as well as the families of students who have endured the long university path that took their sons towards obtaining their university certificates.